
Hey everyone welcome to my blog! I started this blog so that I can document my thoughts, fun adventures, and projects from my visual design class. I hope to portray what I see through written words and pictures. There is so much beauty in life, but it is often overlooked. Let’s take a second to pause and recognize the simple beauty right before us.

I grew up in the Arizona desert and absolutely love the warm weather and beautiful summer sunsets. I just married the love of my life and we are as happy as can be. I am currently studying business management with an emphasis in marketing and I am also taking some visual communication classes. I hope to start my own company someday so that I can create something beautiful.

I love staying active. I love hiking, wakeboarding, and traveling . I love laughing. Music makes me happy. I am a chocolate fanatic. But above everything, I love spending time with my family and friends. I am a lover of all things happy.


Elizabeth Jane Brown