Bannack- Creative

This week I went to Bannack, Montana which is a ghost town in Beaverhead County. This series represents drawing outside the lines and thinking differently. Every photo has a different story.

My Heart is Outside: Levitation

This photo represents being stuck indoors when it is a beautiful day outside. There are many distractions that keep us from going outside: modern technology, school, and many of our careers. The old building is an empty, old, dingy room making your eyes gravitate towards the window. This represents how I feel after a long day at school or in the office.

To create the photograph above, I took a picture of someone sitting on a bench. Then without moving my camera (on tripod), I took a picture of the room without the bench. I didn’t like the window (even with bracketing) so I took a picture outside the window to get my desired look.

The Traveling Ghost

For this images I used a slow shutter speed as the subject “ghost” moved. I took two pictures and merged them together to create the illusion that the ghost was moving.

A New Perspective: Abstract

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The Wild West: Conceptual

Happy photo taking!








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