
I have never been someone to enter into contests but I keep hearing about people winning free Adobe protects and equipment so I decided to give it a try! I am trying to put myself more out there. I researched a bunch of different contest and decided to try the Adobe Design Achievement Awards (photography section) and GuruShots (portrait section). I entered both contest 6/14/19. I chose the Adobe Design contest because it is a student only contest, you can win Adobe products, it is free to enter, and it a legitimate contest. I chose GuruShots because it is also free to enter and less competitive. The winner gets a cash prize, however the website did seem a little spammy. I don’t know if the prices are actually real but I do think it is a good way to get exposure to your work.

Here are the photos I submitted!

Adobe Design Achievement Awards Process

Note: to enter this contest you need to be a student and have an Adobe account.

To be honest, the process was kind of confusing. You had to log in with your adobe account and then fill out a basic profile. The tricky part is you have to create an account with and upload your work there. After signing up, on the upper right of the website there is a link to upload your work. You upload the photo and explain your creative process. You click next and you need to make sure you add the keyword AdobeAwards. The contest will give instructions but if you have never done it before it takes a little while.


This contest is super simple to enter. You create an account then pick a category and upload your photo. The only part that was weird was after I submitted the photo, it asked me to vote for other photos in the category to give me more exposure. I think that the more you vote, the more they show your photo to other users. I don’t know how trustworthy the site it but it is super easy for everyone to enter and an easy way to get your name out there.







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